
Weekly Schedule
8th January 2013
I have created my blog on the web page ‘’, I will use this to post my designs and final product as well as any analysis or research I do into magazines. I will basically show the development of my magazine.
15th January 2013
I have researched magazine covers and analysed what they have in common and what is good about them, I hope that by using this I can improve my own designs and make a professional magazine.
22nd January 2013
I have now created a survey account on ‘survey monkey’ I then crated a questionnaire to gain peoples opinions e.g. peoples favourite colours and music genre. This will help me to design and produce an effective magazine that attracts the people of today.
29th January 2013
I have now started to draw out my magazine, starting with my front cover I have decided to do a rock genre magazine with a house style involving red. I have also drawn out my contents page and my double page spread.
5th February 2013
Now I have finished my designs I have started to do my production of the magazine using Photoshop, which I have very little skill in. I have started to practise my skills and created a design based on my magazine drafts. However I think I may update and change my designs a bit as I think that I have a better idea of presenting it.
14th February 2013
I have know finished the production of my magazine ‘Syndicate’, I have also analysed and uploaded to blogger the images of my magazine, photos I have taken during the project as well as writing up a schedule documenting everything I have done.

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